Absorb this…

creative and cultural inspiration


Having landed back in a bustling London town I’m now a good 8hr flight away from the sandy shores of Miami ;0(

However, the wonders of technology will keep us connected so do stay in touch. Pros – don’t be afraid to share the odd post/article you’d like to get off your chest and Students – don’t be shy to send me blog posts to practice your writing skills, share your insights and market yourself to a global audience!

Here’s to sharing a bit of inspiration here and there… ;0)

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The Future Jobs…

Very interesting, I LOVE Culture Label – the new high street in Cultural gifts/souvenirs. Check out the job they have available right now… not a webdesigner, or a graphic design position, or even a business marketing assistant and/or manager… the new future jobs – and some-what unsurprisingly in our field of the Creative Industries, Cultural Industries and even Creative Arts – will involve a substantial amount of Social Media. Are you ready for this?

Check out the job description and see how much of the role you could take on? Could this be a direction you want to pursue?

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Creative Commons License
Absorb This by R Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.absorbthis.org.