Absorb this…

creative and cultural inspiration

Your Portfolio, Your Future

So you get told Your Portfolio is the most important commodity throughout your entire time at university/school/college. To some extent this is true. However, you are also advised to be armed with an approachable personality, strong and fair characteristics, a competitive resume, commitment, self-motivation not to mention your ability to present, socially interact and so on… you have a fair bit to cobble together to show potential employees you are the one that can help move their business forward. Some might panic at this, others might think ‘no problem’. Ultimately – the heat is on.

No pressure… but…

Most professionals are asking for 10-16 pieces of work.

Most professionals want to be challenged.

Most professionals want to never, ever see an attempt at a project of a leading brand/product or service that has already got it right (and more importantly – won awards for it).

Most professionals want the moon on a stick.

Most students don’t have any of the above.

Some students do.

There are ways in which you can get through it.

Firstly, scare yourself. Check out the links below and see what ‘everyone’ is shouting about.

Then, take some time out and breathe.

Then, simply go to your note book and pick up a pen… start listing the projects you have and the projects you wished you had.

We’ll go from there…

Links to Scare Yourself…

Online Examples:













Portfolio Reviews:








So you are currently expected to create a portfolio. How are you feeling?

Feel free to comment and share in your experience.

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Cracking a Concept

How to crack a Concept…

Step 1. Read Advertising Age: Ten Big Marketing Risks that paid off.

Your concepts need to free your product, brand and/or service from the muddle they may have got themselves in.

Your job is to simplify the reality so it makes sense, inspire the client so they can see the bigger picture for their brand/product/service and engage their audience/customer/consumer so they aspire to invest in a new and/or existing brand/product/service.

Sound an easy task?

Check out how these guys have done it…[click on the image or here to read the full article]

At the other end of the spectrum we have some bloggers and sites commenting on the notoriously bad marketing campaigns that haven’t done quite so well…
Measuring Up
Business Pundit


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Copy Blogger

So you’re wanting to create a blog and you’re unsure of the content – let’s start with this blog.

A useful tool with interesting, simple articles that could really help you kick start your own blog.

When choosing your theme have an idea of the priority of your content.

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Random Flickr Photos


Creative Commons License
Absorb This by R Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.absorbthis.org.